It’s New Year's Eve and all I can think about is the fact we are coming to the end of this unbelievable year. Most of us were forced to be still, be alone, be isolated, be accountable, wear a mask, wash our hands, stay apart for 2 meters and so much more. That took a lot of discipline and most people did their very best to be responsible for this huge task.
Believe it or not, these are exciting times, except of course if you have been personally affected by the virus and to them, I extend my heartfelt sympathies and condolences.
We are not at the end but rather at the beginning of creative solutions for this pandemic. Each and every one of us has the chance to recreate our perspective if we choose. We can also recreate our life work. We can recreate relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and pets. We can recreate our dreams and vision for the future. We can recreate what is the importance of front line workers. This is a time of renewal and by letting go of some old stuff, emotions, and the things that don’t serve us anymore, we can begin anew. Recreate a new story for your life and then begin to live it in 2021.

Our Lockdown Biohack for today is to SCREAM. If you want to say goodbye to 2020 you can use your voice to scream it out to the universe and in return, your body releases feel-good hormones. Oh yeah.
The best scenario for me was to go out on the lake and stand on the ice barefoot and I screamed as loud as I could. I’ve been so quiet and alone for several months, I didn’t realize I was carrying some rage that had to be released. I also discovered I need to practice more screaming cause it was a lot of fun!
You can gather your family together outside and all scream at the same time. Scream as much as you want and as loud as you want. Give yourself permission to release using your voice. Do it whenever you feel stress or anxiety or a desire to let go of pent up emotions. Don't worry about what the neighbors are thinking as your health is more important and who knows, maybe they will join you!
Post your story and Tag #lockdownbiohacks Tag me on Instagram @caminosue and TikTok Barefoot Sue
Feel free to share your experiences so others can learn from you.
Happy New Year and be well.
Soul to sole,
Barefoot Sue